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nabavi lab

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Joรฃo Lima, PhD

I investigate how animals associate events occurring many seconds apart. Specifically, I study  learning-induced neuronal plasticity, as determined from spiking activity, in mice subjected to trace fear conditioning to test whether such plasticity follows Hebbโ€™s rule. To this end, during conditioning and recall, I perform electrophysiological recordings with tetrodes from the medial prefrontal cortex of freely moving mice. Later, I will also manipulate the brain circuits of a subset of mice via optogenetics. In addition, I perform and develop data analyses within a team of five. The  Kvitsiani Group collaborates on the project.
Previously, I was at the University of Oxford (DPhil in Experimental Psychology) studying the role of the serotonin transporter on unconditioned anxiety, social behaviour, emotional learning, and amygdala processing of emotional cues with mice. I started researching at the University of Minho (Masters in Experimental Psychology), investigating interval timing with pigeons.
